Through this screen you can clearly see which parts HUMBLE consists of. At the top you will find the search bar with which you can easily search for data in HUMBLE. By clicking on the search bar, you can quickly navigate within one of the categories that are displayed. On the right side of the search bar, you will see the quick add button:
This allows you to select a category for quickly adding, for example, an element. This functionality will immediately take you to the right screen for adding the chosen category. Further to the right, next to the search bar, is displayed in which organization you are currently logged in. The location filter that can be set up over the entire organization, the favorites button where your personal favorites are stored in a list and your profile settings to set up your profile as desired.
Each blue tile you see here represents the management of the part that is displayed on the tile. You open a tile by clicking on it. You can pin all the tiles you see in My HUMBLE by clicking on the star of the tile that you see when you stand on a tile with your mouse.