Floors - list

Floors - list

On this page you will find the list where all floors within the organisation where you are currently logged in will be displayed, if you have not enabled the location filter. At the top of the list you will find the following tabs:

From left to right:
Tab 1. Return to the location management overview page
Tab 2. Go to the dashboard page
Tab 3. Displays the page you are currently on

Under the tabs you can find, if provided with these rights, an add button. This allows you to add a floor to the list.

In addition to all current floors in the list, the archived floors can also be shown. Go to the settings by clicking on the button below:

Here you can find the button show archive, which will show the list with all archived data. With the same action you can then find the button archive close to get a current list again.

All column headings can be moved around in the list and you can also pin them to the right or left by standing on a column heading and clicking on the three lines. Here you will also find that you can filter within this column.

In the list you will find a lot of data that you can also sort by. On the right side of the list you can make a selection of columns. You can also add extra columns per category to your list. By pressing Shift on your keyboard and scrolling with your mouse, you can easily scroll the list from left to right.

The eye in the front row of a floor is the detail button with which you can open that floor. Next to the eye is the modify button with which you can change the data of the floor.

You can practise filtering lists in the HUMBLE Basic Training.