Building parts - view

Building parts - view

Under the tabs you will find the details of the component that has just been selected. All the fields that are offered to you when you enter a building component are shown here. From here you can edit or archive a component. Under the information provided for the building component you will find the sub tabs.

Here you can find all the elements that are on the building component that has been opened. If you have the rights to add an element, you will also see an add button here.

Here you can find the locations that are linked to the complex that is currently open.

If there are any reports created via Notification Management that are related to this building element, they will be shown here.

Images and documents
Adding images and documents comes up in all detail pages of HUMBLE to easily store extra data per item. You could add a floor plan of the relevant building part here.

In the history you can see who last changed something in this specific building section.


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